Affirmative Agreement, Verb As Complement, Negative Agreement
Affirmative Agreement What is Affirmative Agreement? When indicating that one person or thing does something and then adding that another does the same, use the word so or too. To avoid needless repetition of words from the affirmative statement, use the conjuction and followed by a simple statement using so or too. See the following explanations: (Untuk menyatakan bahwa seseorang mengerjakan suatu hal, sedangkan ada orang lain juga yang mengerjakan hal yang sama, maka kata-kata so atau too harus digunakan. Untuk menghindarkan pengulangan kata yang tidak perlu yang terdapat dalam statement affirmative, maka pakailah “kata penghubung” dengan menempatkan so atau too. Perhatikan penjelasan-penjelasan berikut:) I. When a form of the verb BE is used in the main clause, the same tense of the verb Be is used in the simple statement that follows. Look at the following formula: affirmative statement (be) + and + (subject + verb (be) + too so +verb (be) + ...